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Cruise Lines as a New Supplier Type

Adding cruise lines as a supplier type is the latest update in the Suppliers section of the R24k Travel Manager software. Accommodation types in quotes is no longer limited to just half star to 5-star hotels. Cruise lines can now be added as well to quotations.

Below is an example of what it looks like when you add a cruise line in Suppliers:


This example quotation creator features a cruise line and a hotel at the same time. Notice that a couple of currency conversions occurred automatically in the calculations on the right side. This is because the base currency of the demo system used for this example is in US$, while the cruise line quoted in GBP, and the selected currency for the quotation is in EUR.


Finally, here is a short video to show you around the R24k Travel Manager software. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.


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